
General Geekiness

I sometimes think of years in terms of calendars, of the pictures and themes that each holds. As a child, these calendars would fall into themes of endless similarity. For years, I had American Girl calendars, and I really can’t distinguish most of my elementary school years. The puppies and wolves of middle school gave way to more variety come high school (most memorable being Disney characters and Pirates of the Caribbean).

In 2008, my calendar was Edward Hopper paintings, full of pale light, fanciful images and good times with friends.

2009 was the year of Marvel Superheroes.  When things got stressful, I’d look to my calendar for moments of crystal clear right-and-wrong, primary colors and childlike wonder.

For the upcoming year, my calendar is The Beatles, with simply black and white photography and minimalist design. There are moments of tranquility among madness captured in black and white photos, and I know I will find these moments in my day to day life, no matter how hectic and stressful life becomes.

A happy, safe and prosperous New Year to you all!

4 thoughts on “Calendars

  1. My son gave me a calendar of Border Collies since I had given myself an actual dog a month or so before. I tend to rely on the calendars in my computer, but I like the pictures of the dogs so much that I’m sure I’ll have a use for the paper calendar.


    1. I quite like paper calendars. A new picture every month makes me smile.
      I also tend to forget things if I don’t write them out longhand, so paper calendars are perfect for me!


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